White Sox upgrading at third base

I've seen them.

I've seen your off-season plans, filled with free agent third baseman acquisitions.

Have no doubt I have tabulated these blasphemies against CONOR and taken them into account. Dreams of Chase Headley's defense, fantasies of Pablo Escobar panda hats with increased lining for 40-degree temperatures in June. Crackpots schemes of moving Hanley Ramirez to third.

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The 2014 U-God Offseason Plan

The World Series has finally started, meaning we're somewhere around a week or so away from baseball going out to buy some smokes and disappearing for months. But that does at least mean it's finally hot stove season. And when your favorite team has been bad for two years running, hot stove season winds up being far more fun than it actually should be.

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