Interview With Rick Hahn and Buddy Bell - Recap & Analysis Part 2

A continuation from Part One. As in that article, questions and answers are paraphrased as accurately as was possible from my notes.

Question 6.  Kevin of White Sox and Stuff asked if Rodon’s path to the majors had been determined yet - starter in AAA first, breaking in through the bullpen, etc.

Hahn’s AnswerThis has yet to be decided, actually...

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Interview With Rick Hahn & Buddy Bell - Recap & Analysis - Part 1

I was privileged enough to be included on a conference call interview of Rick Hahn and Buddy Bell with a number of White Sox blogs on Tuesday. While I didn't record the conversation verbatim, I took notes as best I could and I believe there was a lot to be learned from what each White Sox executive had to say. Here's the first part of what Rick Hahn said and what I took away from it - the conclusion and Buddy Bell's interview to follow in another article*. 

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