The Catbird Seat's 2015 MLB Season Predictions
/Sick of reading what other people think is going to happen this season?
Yes? Oh, well this is awkward...
Read MoreSick of reading what other people think is going to happen this season?
Yes? Oh, well this is awkward...
Read MoreWhile Rick Hahn has made it clear he's not eager to part with shortstop Alexei Ramirez, speculation persist, as recently the Los Angeles Dodgers joined the New York Yankees and New York Mets as a team rumored to have interest in acquiring the shortstop who has been a stalwart for the Sox for the last seven seasons.
Read MoreThe Catbird Seat is a White Sox blog by White Sox fans that focuses on intelligent and humorous baseball commentary. Brought to you by ESPN's SweetSpot Network.
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