Finding a New Market “Inefficiency”

Teams are always searching for the new market inefficiency. With the A’s in the early 2000’s, it was on-base percentage. With the Royals of yesteryear it was building a team that was perfectly suited to winning in their home ballpark – they focused heavily on defense to improve their pitching staff and favored contact hitters that would thrive in the gaps of Kauffman stadium. The new market inefficiency I propose? Finding an owner that’s willing to invest in his or her own team!

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Despite Solid Effort, Sox Barely Lost Money in 2013 (According to Forbes)

Despite Solid Effort, Sox Barely Lost Money in 2013 (According to Forbes)

The annual Forbes MLB team valuations came out this week, and for the first time since Jose Canseco’s bulging trapezii were mercilessly fatiguing the seams of a White Sox uniform back in 2001, the business publication has estimated an operating loss for owner Jerry Reinsdorf and Co.; the club was $2.7 million in the red in 2013 they say.

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